The collection of used lubricating oils lies at the heart of SOTULUB's activities. Since it was launched in 1980, this process has undergone a remarkable evolution manifested in a steady increase in the volume of used lubricating oil regeneration at Zarzouna plant.
The collection capacity increased from 1,531 tons in 1981 to an unprecedented record capacity of 14,630 tons in 2018, which allowed the treatment of 14,227 tons of used oils. These results would not have been possible without SOTULUB's developed logistical resources and the steadily increasing extension of the collection network throughout the national territory, together with the support provided by collection points at mechanics, service stations and deposits set up by the company.
As soon as the collection process started, the company made available more than 20,000 free-of-charge metal tanks of different capacities (250, 500, 1000 and 5000 liters) to the various oil facility owners.
SOTULUB has set up a well-organized structure that has enabled the optimization of used oil collection throughout Tunisia and resulted in an increasing recovery rate from year to year.
Collection of used lubricating oils by sector
Recovery rate of used oils compared to national consumption
Zonal breakdown based on waste oil deposits throughout governorates and proximity of collection centers
- 12 zones for 12 collectors
- Price of 1 ton of used oil per zone

Role of SOTULUB towards:
- 7 regional teams are being mobilized to support and assist used oil collectors (Exploratory, sensitization and inspection visits to oil facility owners, vat delivery, etc.),
- Subcontracted staff receive a training course on security requirements (in collaboration with the Civil Protection Department).
- Results submitted by subcontractors shall be evaluated on an ongoing process (Performance indicators: quantities and objectives, quality, working days, coverage rate, owner satisfaction, collected data credibility, etc.),
- SOTULUB shall make sure, at all times, to inform and sensitize subcontractors about corrective measures to be taken (regulatory, security and procedural monitoring).
- SOTULUB shall also make sure to comply with the requirements of hazardous waste transport.
- It shall ensure the respect of safety and environmental requirements for used oil storage and the effective implementation of the contract binding it to the subcontractor.
Facility owners :
- SOTULUB provides oil facility owners with an ad hoc system to submit their complaints (hotline, website, etc.).
- It ensures coordination between oil facility holders and collectors.
- It provides tanks for the storage of used oils.
- It aims for awareness raising through regional representatives.
- It organizes targeted communication campaigns.
ANGed : Agence Nationale de Gestion des Déchets
- SOTULUB is responsible for cooperation within the framework of the "Eco-Zit" sector management, in accordance with the applicable regulatory texts, the cooperation convention and its additional clause (Reporting, statistics, management units, joint communication programs, etc.)
- Il also ensures coordination between used oil collectors and ANGED.
ANPE : Agence Nationale de Protection de l'Environnement
- SOTULUB is responsible for cooperation within the framework of oil facility owners' monitoring, in accordance with the applicable regulatory texts and the cooperation convention (Annual program of inspection visits, reporting, statistics, etc.)
- It also ensures coordination between used oil collectors and the ANPE.